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Gaku Daiko

Wadaiko is said to have originated in China, from whence it was imported alongside gagaku during the Nara period. Gaku Daiko (meaning "music drum") is the type of wadaiko used for gagaku performances, and most closely resembles the orignally imported drums. Other instruments used for gagaku include kakko (small drum) and shoko (metal percussion). Gaku Daiko used for Tenrikyo ceremonies are specifically referred to as Kagura Daiko (meaning "devine music drum").

Gaku Daiko
Gaku Daiko
Gaku Daiko for gagaku
w/ kakko and accessories

Kagura Daiko

"Kagura Daiko" are also called "Kaen Daiko" (meaning "flame") because of the decoration looks like flame. These are really religious and ceremonial so they are used mainly in shrines and Buddhist temples.

Kagura Daiko
Kagura Daiko
Custom ordered
w/ shoko and accessories


kakko sannoko
Kakko Sannoko